The Shapes Of Water

Itinerant exhibition inspired by the city of Zenobia from the book “Invisible Cities” by Italo Calvino.

Alongside with other 7 international artists and designers, we will participate to the exhibit as the Italian delegates with the “H2GOD” project related to the conservation/transportation of water. Two of our older projects will be displayed: “Razione H2O” and “Saver”. “The shapes of water” is a collection of social and product design project related to the uses of water. The traveling exhibition, organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and curated by the La Triennale di Milano team, started from the Msheireb Enrichment Centre of Doha, Qatar on October 2018.



Mostra itinerante ispirata dalla città Zenobia dal libro di Italo Calvino “Le città invisibili”.

Assieme ad altri 7 artisti e designer internazionali, parteciperemo alla mostra come rappresentanti per l’Italia, con il progetto “H2GOD”, legato al tema della conservazione/trasporto dell’acqua. Saranno presenti inoltre anche due nostri progetti del passato: “Razione H2O” e “Saver”. “The Shapes of Water” è una ricognizione di progetti di social design e product design legati ai vari impieghi dell’acqua. La mostra itinerante, organizzata dal Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale e curata da La Triennale di Milano team, è spartita con la prima tappa al Msheireb Enrichment Centre of Doha, Qatar ad ottobre 2018.

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The shapes of water
Itinerant exhibition


itinerant exhibition Msheireb Enrichment Centre of Doha, Qatar – curated by Triennale design museum team, 2018. Other stages: Novembre 2018 - Kuwait; December 2018 - Saudi Arabia; January 2019 – JordanGrecia; Croazia; Italia.  

exhibition and graphic design by JoeVelluto, promoted by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Republic of Italy

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